This is a quick guide on how to update LMS used by AAMS to the latest version.

LMS Main Software Update

The Logitech Media Server (LMS) main software used by AAMS can be updated by login to Windows via RD Client. It is recommended to have the USB DAC connected, otherwise Squeezelite Local Player will be disabled.

Move mouse to the bottom right, point to the “UP” expand arrow, and then LMS icons will be shown.

Windows screen after RD Client connection
Bottom right corner of Windows screen
Click “^” to expand
LMS icon shows up

Left-click on the LMS icon to expand the menu.

LMS Install update
Install update

Select and highlight “Install update…”, followed by allowing UAC prompt to let LMS Setup proceeds.

UAC prompt for LMS Setup

The following screenshots show the progress of LMS update installation.

Installation progress 1
Installation progress 2
Installation progress 3
Installation progress 4
Installation progress 5

Once completed, move mouse to bottom left to Windows symbol, let the Menu shows up, and select “Sign out” to end the RD Client session.

Sign out