We participated as a first-time exhibitor at the Northern Audio Visual Penang June 11-12, 2022. Local A/V journalist Mr Lam Seng Fatt of av2day.com spent time listening to our system and shared his impression here and for Day 2.
There is a video about the event.
Components Used
Power conditioner + voltage regulator:
- Torus AVR16
Digital source + DAC:
- Marantz SA-10 SACD player
- AA Music Streamer
- Holo Audio May L3 KTE
- Semi-DIY pure-silver autoformer-based passive preamp. Components by Bent Audio, Canada
- Bryston 10B-SUB active crossover
Power amplifier:
- McIntosh MC452
- Harbeth M30.2
- JL Audio f113 active subwoofer

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